
written by @straycatte. she/they mun & muse are 21+ Minors DNI

≫ This carrd/character may deal with nsfw/triggering themes
≫ Mature / Dark / Slice of Life


Is it only when you feel a part is empty that it’s gnawing at the corners of your mind.

ooc. Hi! I'm Fox or whatever character name you know me as. My pronouns are She/They. I'm over 25, I prefer anyone I rp with to be at least 21 IC and OOC.

activity. I can either be super active or nonexistent depending on a multitude of things such as my work, sleep schedule, or my mood. If you're looking for someone who is extremely consistent, I'm probably not the person for you. That doesn't mean we can't interact or be pals.

Things I'm fine with:

  • mature themes

  • crime

  • horror

  • slice of life

  • comedy

  • plot driven rp

Things I'm NOT fine with:

  • my character dying

  • noncon rp

  • drama

  • rp with players and characters under 21

  • I also have no interest in RPing if you use terms like f#ta, F+, tr#p.

disclaimers. while I am fine with darker themes and perma-injuries, I do prefer them to be discussed first. I also typically prefer we've had multiple interactions beforehand.
communication is key. Also don't be weird toward me.


And we both bury that history deep, but you know I can hold my breath forever.

And I choke myself on sacred vapour-- waiting on some holy favour, basking in the solace of regret.

  birth name.    Yenzelle Huin
  name.    Lilah Rivers
  age.    Young Adult (27)
  race.     Viera
  voice ref.   Aurora
  birthday.     ???
  gender.     female
  pronouns.     she/her
  sexuality.     demisexual/demiromantic

"For the time being I will admit my defeat again —
I will accept that I can't pretend we will ever be together"

  height.     5'0"
  hair color.    silver.
  build.   small, petite.
  eye color.     doe-like, the color of the seas, framed by white lashes.
  scent.      Vanilla, vetiver, orchids

  miscellaneous details.     TBD.

  job occupation.    Healer
  place of origin.     Skatay Range
  home.    ??
  affiliation.     ??
  marital status.     Single.

  likes.     tbd
  dislikes.   tbd

  personality.     Curious and somewhat quiet at first, the viera seems to study everyone around her. Upon opening up to anyone she trusts, she enjoys the company of her friends and can be quite fun. She is extremely caring toward those in her company, often to her own detriment. Despite this, she has a defiant streak, which is as likely to get her in trouble as her naivety.

social skills★★★★★★★★☆☆

headcanon one. Lilah suffers from ptsd and survivor's guilt.
headcanon two. More often than not during healing, she will physically take on the person's injury in order to better understand or take their suffering.
headcanon three. If she overuses her aether she suffers from frequent nosebleeds.
headcanon four. Despite her kindness, she has teeth.
headcanon five. She sleepwalks and talks in her sleep sometimes. It's creepy.
headcanon six. tbd


Within the Skatay range, there is a small village of those who devote their selves to a Goddess that protects their clan in exchange for death. Lilah was born to be sacrificed, raised her entire life groomed and destined to die. In fact, she saw many just like herself die. It was a right of passage for the first blood of the family, a sacrifice that every family must endure. Most of the children were young, giving them the mercy of being unaware. However, Lilah's time crept up on her slower than others. On her sixteenth birthday she was chosen to be next.As time had passed and she slowly began to understand what was required of the firstborn, she accepted her fate; her destiny. She thought she was more than ready, but as the time came to go to the altar she felt her feet turn to stone and her heart race within the confines of her chest. She didn't want to die; she wasn't ready.So she fled.She ran until she was breathless, bloody, and collapsed onto the ground outside the wood. She committed two great sins that night: betraying her family and leaving the wood. She carries such a great guilt on her shoulders, knowing the fate of her entire family relied on her and she failed them.Were they all dead? It would be her fault.However, to this day, some nights she swears she can still hear the chants and prayers of her people."By night she comes, By day she fades, Blessed mother of Skatay, Deliver us from the blight, We Worship you, Whispered One."



  • healing. Burdened with guilt, all she wants to do is atone and make up for her past mistakes.

  • dream walking. She doesn't know she's capable of such a thing, but has been sharing dreams with one of her relatives as of late.

  • shields. Something she doesn't like to use, but she'll fall back on them to protect herself or others if necessary.

physical combat.

  • strength. physically weak if someone gets their hands on her, she completely relies on her aether from afar. She does know some combat from her time in the wood, however, she is tiny. She mainly relies on having the upper hand in combat, even if she's using her dancer's blade.

strengths & weaknesses.



  • blade dancing. A skill she was taught in the wood and used for hunting.

  • tracking. Another useful skill from her time in the wood.


And it seems my hell is your high water— wash me clean again before I pull myself beneath the waves

  • Skatay Range. Lesser known - maybe you know her, maybe you are curious of her past. The viera seems extremely reluctant to even mention it.

  • Healing. She is more often than not offering her services to those in need. Her methods of healing are...questionable.

hello, stranger.

I'm pretty flexible when it comes to hooks and character meetings, just shoot me a message or whisper with an idea and we can work something out! If there isn't a hook here but you've thought of something else that might fit, I'll probably go along with it.

  • Curiosity She is always ever eager to learn things and has been known to eavesdrop.

  • Nature. Lilah is always drawn to nature, be it animals or plants. She is the nerd at the party that sits with the host's pets.

… When the mouth of infinity
Buries its teeth in me
I'll smile through the agony for you


Once upon a time — I thought I could be someone. Someone brave. Someone { pure }
now I’m all grown up & all I am is tainted. B l o o d s t a i n e d

those unspoken:

With all that you believe
You still refuse to shelter me

Lenka Huin | Mother

While Lilah thinks fondly of her mother, she never mentions her or the rest of her clan to anyone. After all, it's a sore topic and she believes them all to be dead.

Yenzelle Huin | Aunt

Lilah's deceased aunt that she is named after.

Yaalti Silje | Father

Lilah knows almost nothing about him.

Vera Huin | Half-Sister

She doesn't know of her existence.


Pamina Shadecross | Friend

One of the first people to have came across after she left the wood, Pamina saw something in the girl and Lilah her. The pair bonded over their tragedies.

Lavender Almasi | Friend

Lilah seems to be just as fiercely protective over the Viper as much as she is over the Hare. Which is hilarious considering Lavender is more than capable of handling herself. Still, she found immense loyalty from Lilah and close friendship.

Xyphris Shadecross | Friend

Lilah was introduced to him through Pamina, the pair became quick friends. When Pamina brought him back from the dead, it was Lilah who tended to his injuries and brought him the rest of the way toward life.

Luna Green | Friend

The pair are very similar and Lilah has been known to borrow clothes from Luna and thus Luna from her. Lilah cares deeply for the pink cat and she has gained her trust.

And you need a melody
I only need the silence